Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Um, An Answer Would Be Nice?

So, I took a pregnancy test because Dad urged me (and we were both curious/excited/anxious) and it was a very clear Negatory.. But I still haven't gotten my period. The pack came with two tests so I'm going to wait a few more days for either my period to come or a continuing lack thereof. I'm going to take the other test this weekend if there's still no sign. I kind of feel like I have all the symptoms but then again, I'm sick all the time and who knows?
On another note, I may get to see my dad and little brother this weekend! They're making the 16 hour trek up to New York from my little town in the AL, and it's a possibility that they'll make a pit stop in Boston for a few days. Is it completely wrong that the urge to drop my job and life at home and all the relationships I've built here for the last 6 months and go back with him even if it means dragging Danny kicking and screaming? Ah, a girl can dream.. I'll post more about both when I know more.


  1. Wow, crazy! Maybe (if the weekend test turns out to be negative too) then you should go see a doctor or something. Do you want to be pregnant? Exciting if you do! Kinda scary if your not . . .

    And wow! Your in New York?! I loved New York! I spent a total of three days there a couple years ago, and for SERIOUS it still holds its place in my heart as my favourite city! That's so cool!! :)

  2. I know, I gotta get around to a Dr. I've always wanted children, but I'm not 120% sure that this is the perfect time for them. Of course, if I am, I'll be delighted and we'll all make the best of the situation. I'm open to a lot of things right now.
    No, I'm in Boston, but I'm only a few hours from NYC and I keep promising myself I'll get up that way, it seems a pity not too, and with those comments it'll have to be sooner rather than later!

  3. Boston is cool too - I lived + worked in VT for a while a couple years back and I WANTED to get out to Boston but I never made it out there, alas!
